Ask any football fan what moves them and at some point they will refer to the ‘beautiful game’ yes I do know it is corrupt and ugly sometimes but it can be beautiful. Jamie Edwards at Urbancolours is a fan who uses his art to express a love for the game. I had the opportunity to work with this very successful artist and photograph some of his work. During the day our conversations included that he had been commissioned by UEFA, the European football association, to produce a video for the UEFA cup final last year. Jamie was lucky enough to go to Warsaw to create for the final, have a look at the video its really great. He also has a standing exhibition at the National Football Musem. We also discussed our own favourites and sadly found that he was an Arsenal supporter and I am a Tottenham fan, we didn’t let this come between us, we remained professional! Go to his site and see his paintings of football grounds and more of his wider work.